Create a test based on the JMeter script#

JMeter is an open source load testing tool capable of recording HTTP requests via a built–in HTTP proxy. The JMX file is a saved JMeter script in XML format. PFLB Platform supports JMX files import.

To create a test based on the JMeter script, follow these steps:

  1. Create the script in JMeter.

  2. Import the script in PFLB Platform.

  3. Edit a load profile.

  4. Add SLAs.

  5. Link a settings set.

To upload tests from PFLB Platform and edit them in Apache JMeter, you can use a special plugin.

For more information about limitations of PFLB Platform when working with JMeter scripts, see Supported plugins and elements of JMX scripts.

Record a script#

To create a script in JMeter, use the Apache JMeter documentation.

Import a script#

  1. In the upper menu, click + New Test.

  2. In the Import data pane, click jmx_button. The dialog opens:

  3. To upload a JMX file, click and select it, or drag and drop the file from the local folder to JMX file upload area. The file size should not exceed 100 MB.

  4. Upload any supporting files that the script uses, as you did in the previous step.

  5. Click Upload. The test overview opens:



    If the script contains unsupported plugins, then the script is not imported. For more information, see Supported plugins and elements of JMX scripts.

  6. Review the imported files, thread groups, and load profile. If necessary, to replace the JMX script and supporting files, click Re-upload.

  7. Optional: Edit a load profile.

  8. Optional: Configure the profile graph display. Follow these steps:

    • To merge the graphs of several steps, click the Merge steps toggle. The toggle becomes available when there are several steps in the thread group.

    • Select the testing time that you want to consider in detail on the graph.

  9. Optional: Add SLAs.

  10. Optional: Link a settings set.

Edit a load profile#

  1. In the Load profile area, click Edit. The page opens:

  2. Optional: Configure the profile graph display. Follow these steps:

    • To merge the graphs of several steps, click the Merge steps toggle. The toggle becomes available when there are several steps in the thread group.

    • Select the testing time that you want to consider in detail on the graph.

  3. Disable the thread groups you don’t want to use in the test.

  4. For thread groups of the jp@gc - Ultimate Thread Group type, edit the load profile for each step:
    • Start delay (min). Delay before starting testing. Specified in minutes.

    • Duration (min). Test duration at maximum load with all VUsers running. Specified in minutes.

    • Ramp-up time (min). Time allocated to start all VUsers. If set to 0, all VUsers will start simultaneously. Specified in minutes.

    • Number of VUsers. The number of load threads. The intensity of the load depends on the number of virtual users, timers, and response time of the testing system.

    • Ramp-down time (min). Time allocated to stop all VUsers. If set to 0, all VUsers will stop simultaneously. Specified in minutes.

  5. Add the required number of steps to the tread group and customize the load profile for each step as you did in the previous step of the guide.

  6. Click Go back to test overview.

Add SLA#

  1. In the SLA area, click Add.

  2. Go to the required tab.

  3. Click + Add SLA, and configure the metrics:

    • Test
      1. Select one of the metrics for the test:

        • Average response time. Average system response time to a request or transaction.

        • Error rate. Errors are calculated only when executing all requests, excluding transactions.

        • Percentile 95. The value which is greater than 95% of response time for the test.

        • Request per second. Number of requests sent per second.

      2. Select one of the conditions: <= or >.

      3. Enter a threshold of the metric (SLA).

      4. Optional: In the fields Start and End, enter the period for which PFLB Platform calculates the metric at the end of the test.

    • Transaction
      1. Select the transaction and use case.

      2. Select one of the metrics:

        • Average response time. Average system response time to transaction.

        • Error rate. Errors are calculated only when executing a transaction, excluding requests.

        • Percentile 95. The value which is greater than 95% of response time for the transaction.

        • Request per second. Number of requests sent per second.

      3. Select one of the conditions: <= or >.

      4. Enter a threshold of the metric (SLA).

      5. Optional: In the fields Start and End, enter the period for which PFLB Platform calculates the metric at the end of the test.

    • Request
      1. Select the request, transaction, and use case of the test.

      2. Select one of the metrics:

        • Average response time. Average system response time to a request.

        • Error rate. Errors are calculated only when executing the request.

        • Percentile 95. The value which is greater than 95% of response time for the request.

        • Request per second. Number of requests sent per second.

      3. Select one of the conditions: <= or >.

      4. Enter a threshold of the metric (SLA).

      5. Optional: In the fields Start and End, enter the period for which PFLB Platform calculates the metric at the end of the test.

    • System metrics


      Before adding SLA with system metrics, follow these steps:

      1. Create a setting set with system metrics for the monitoring.

      2. Link the setting set to the test.


      To add an SLA with system metrics, follow these steps:

      1. Enter the host name of the testing system.

      2. Select one of the metrics:

        • Average cpu usage,

        • Average memory usage.

      3. Select one of the conditions: <= or >.

      4. Enter a threshold of the metric (SLA).

      5. Optional: In the fields Start and End, enter the period for which PFLB Platform calculates the metric at the end of the test.

  4. Click Go back to test overview.

Run a test#

Run the test immediately after creating it or later in the Tests page. For more information, see Run test.

To run the test, follow these steps:

  1. Click Create test run. The sidebar opens:

  2. Optional: Click Add label and enter the name of the label for the test. To display labels in the Test runs page, select the Copy labels from test checkbox. For more information, see Add labels to the test.

  3. Optional: For Description, enter a test run comment. You will be able to see this information in the test run details, all test runs list, and trend reports, when selecting a specific test run.

  4. In the drop-down list, select the region in which you run the test:

    • automatic. Automatic region selection.

    • AWS Asia Pacific (Mumbai);

    • AWS Asia Pacific (Tokyo);

    • AWS Europe (Frankfurt);

    • AWS Europe (Ireland);

    • AWS US East (N. Virginia);

    • AWS US West (N. California).


    Only the automatic and AWS US East (N. Virginia) values are available for free users.

  5. Optional: To run a debugging test, click the Debug run toggle. For more information, see Run a debugging test.

  6. Click Run test.

The test will run after some time.

Apache JMeter Plugin#

The plugin allows you to upload tests from PFLB Platform to edit them in Apache JMeter

The plugin supports Apache JMeter 5.4.1 and higher.

Install the plugin#

  1. Request a JAR file of the plugin from the Technical support.

  2. Copy the JAR file to the folder: JMETER_HOME\lib\ext.

  3. Create the JMETER_HOME\bin\ file and fill in the file before Apache JMeter runs:

    • pflb_url. URL of the platform.

    • api_token. API token.

    • tmp_dir. The folder where tests downloaded from PFLB Platform.

    Example of the config file:

    api_token=<API token>

Use the plugin#

To edit the PFLB Platform test in Apache JMeter, follow these steps:

  1. Run Apache JMeter.

  2. In the upper-right corner of the Apache JMeter window, click jmeter_plugin_button. The list of the PFLB Platform OWN_JMX tests opens. To refresh the list, click Reload if needed.

  3. Expand the required test and select the version:

  4. Click Download. The JMX file downloaded from PFLB Platform will open:



    If the Name and Comments fields are not filled in for the script element, then PFLB Platform generates unique values of these fields. For example:

  5. Edit and save the JMX file.

  6. Create a new test and import the JMX file.

To change the plugin settings, go to the Settings tab:


Supported plugins and elements of JMX scripts#

Supported plugins#

  • BlazeMeter – HLS Plugin

  • Custom Thread Groups

  • Random CSV Data Set

  • WebSocket Samplers by Peter Doornbosch

  • WebSocket Samplers by Maciej Zaleski

  • Custom JMeter Functions

Working with files#


File types that may be required for JMX to work:

  • a script file

  • files that are sent in the request from the script

  • CSV parameters file

You don’t need to change the paths in JMX.

For more information, see Import a script.

Test results#

You can unload JMeter LOG files when JMX is done. For more information, see View detailed data about requests and responses.


jp@gc - Ultimate Thread Group is recommended thread type for JMX scripts imported into PFLB Platform.

For jp@gc - Ultimate Thread Group the following features are supported:

  • load profile display:

    • Start Threads Count

    • Initial Delay

    • Startup Time

    • Hold Load For

    • Shutdown Time

  • changing the load profile by the user

  • displaying group activity:

    • Enabled

    • Disabled

  • changing the load profile by the user.

If you set the load profile by the parameters:

  • parameter values are changed to default values:

    • Start Threads Count = 10

    • Initial Delay = 0

    • Startup Time = 300

    • Hold Load For = 600

    • Shutdown Time = 300

  • Step is marked as modified: isChanged = true.

Groups that are supported, but you can’t change them in the GUI:

  • bzm - Arrivals Thread Group

  • bzm - Concurrency Thread Group

  • bzm - Free-Form Arrivals Thread Group

  • jp@gc - Stepping Thread Group (deprecated)

  • setUp Thread Group

  • TearDown Thread Group

  • Thread Group


For HTTP Request the following features are supported:

  • displaying request details:

    • URL

    • protocol

    • parameters

    • headers

    • body

    • timers that affect this request:

      • type of the timers

      • the min and max boundaries of delays for timers that generate random delays

      • duration of constant timers

      • On/off timers

  • editing timers affecting this HTTP request

Samplers that are supported, but you can’t them in the GUI:

  • Flow Control Action

  • Debug Sampler

  • JSR223 Sampler

  • AJP/1.3 Sampler

  • Access Log Sampler

  • BeanShell Timer

  • Bolt Request

  • FTP Request

  • GraphQL HTTP Request

  • JDBC Request

  • JMS Point-to-Point

  • JMS Publisher

  • JMS Subscriber

  • JUnit Request

  • Java Request

  • LDAP Extended Request

  • LDAP Request

  • Mail Reader Sampler

  • OS Process Sampler

  • SMTP Sampler

  • TCP Sampler

  • bzm – Streaming Sampler

  • WebSocket Close

  • WebSocket Open Connection

  • WebSocket Ping/Pong

  • WebSocket Sampler

  • WebSocket Single Read Sampler

  • WebSocket Single Write Sampler

  • WebSocket request-response Sampler

Config element#

HTTP Header Manager:

  • The scope of visibility is determined.

  • Headers are added to the display in the HTTP Request. JMX doesn’t change.

HTTP Request Defaults:

  • The scope of visibility is determined.

  • The settings are added to the display in the HTTP Request. Their priority works according to the principle that the “closer” the configuration element is in terms of nesting, the higher its priority is. The highest priority configuration is in the HTTP Request itself.

Config elements that are supported, but you can’t change them in the GUI:

  • CSV Data Set Config

  • bzm - Random CSV Data Set Config. For more information, see Add a CSV parameter and Add a settings set

  • HTTP Cookie Manager

  • HTTP Cache Manager

  • Bolt Connection Configuration

  • Counter

  • DNS Cache Manager

  • FTP Request Defaults

  • HTTP Authorization Manager

  • JDBC Connection Configuration

  • Java Request Defaults

  • Keystore Configuration

  • LDAP Extended Request Defaults

  • LDAP Request Defaults

  • Login Config Element

  • Random Variable

  • Simple Config Element

  • TCP Sampler Config

  • User Defined Variables


After importing the JMX script, Listeners are disabled in PFLB Platform.

Logic controllers#

Logic controllers that are supported, but you can’t change them in the GUI:

  • If Controller

  • Transaction Controller

  • Loop Controller

  • While Controller

  • Critical Section Controller

  • ForEach Controller

  • Include Controller

  • Interleave Controller

  • Once Only Controller

  • Random Controller

  • Random Order Controller

  • Recording Controller

  • Runtime Controller

  • Simple Controller

  • Throughput Controller

  • Module Controller

  • Switch Controller


Pre-Processors that are supported, but you can’t change them in the GUI:

  • JSR223 PreProcessor

  • User Parameters

  • HTML Link Parser

  • HTTP URL Re-writing Modifier

  • JDBC PreProcessor

  • RegEx User Parameters

  • Sample Timeout

  • BeanShell PreProcessor


Post-Processors that are supported, but you can’t change them in the GUI:

  • CSS Selector Extractor

  • JSON Extractor

  • JSON JMESPath Extractor

  • Boundary Extractor

  • Regular Expression Extractor

  • JSR223 PostProcessor

  • Debug PostProcessor

  • JDBC PostProcessor

  • Result Status Action Handler

  • XPath Extractor

  • XPath2 Extractor

  • BeanShell PostProcessor


Assertions that are supported, but you can’t change them in the GUI:

  • Response Assertion

  • JSON Assertion

  • Size Assertion

  • JSR223 Assertion

  • XPath2 Assertion

  • Compare Assertion

  • Duration Assertion

  • HTML Assertion

  • JSON JMESPath Assertion

  • MD5Hex Assertion

  • SMIME Assertion

  • XML Assertion

  • XML Schema Assertion

  • XPath Assertion

  • BeanShell Assertion

Test Fragments#

Test Fragments that are supported, but you can’t change them in the GUI:

  • Test Fragment


Timers that are supported for all types of the tests:

  • Constant Timer

  • Gaussian Random timer

  • Poisson Random timer

  • Uniform Random timer

In uploaded JMX, these timers are displayed with all parameters.

For all timers, the following features are supported:

  • On/off timers.

  • Changing values.

  • Multiplication by a coefficient in the timer settings at the test level, along with all other timers.

  • Adding to any request.

  • Deleting a timer added to PFLB Platform. When the test starts, a new JMX is created, so to add or remove the timer installed on the frontend side, change the YAML file.

Timers that are displayed in the GUI in all requests that are affected:

  • Precise Throughput Timer

  • Constant Throughput Timer

  • Synchronizing Timer

When one timer acts on several requests, the timer is displayed in the GUI in each of the requests with the same ID. If you change the timer in one of the requests, the change will affect all the requests in the scope.

Timers that are supported, but you can’t change them in the GUI:

  • JSR223 Timer

  • BeanShell Timer

Supported JMeter properties#

  • XML Parser:

    • xpath2query.parser.cache.size

  • SSL Configuration:

    • https.sessioncontext.shared

    • https.default.protocol

    • https.socket.protocols

    • https.use.cached.ssl.context

    • httpclient.reset_state_on_thread_group_iteration

    • https.keyStoreStartIndex

    • https.keyStoreEndIndex

  • Apache HttpClient common properties:

    • post_add_content_type_if_missing

    • httpclient.timeout

    • httpclient.version

    • httpclient.socket.http.cps

    • httpclient.socket.https.cps

    • httpclient.loopback

    • httpclient.localaddress

  • HTTP Java Configuration:


  • Apache HttpComponents HTTPClient configuration (HTTPClient4):

    • httpclient4.default_user_agent_disabled

    • httpclient4.auth.preemptive

    • httpclient4.retrycount

    • httpclient4.request_sent_retry_enabled

    • httpclient4.idletimeout

    • httpclient4.validate_after_inactivity

    • httpclient4.time_to_live

    • httpclient4.gzip_relax_mode

    • httpclient4.deflate_relax_mode

  • HTTP Cache Manager configuration:

    • cacheable_methods

    • cache_manager.cached_resource_mode

    • RETURN_200_CACHE.message



  • CSVDataSet configuration:

    • csvdataset.eofstring

    • csvdataset.file.encoding_list

  • Miscellaneous configuration:

    • cssselector.parser.cache.size

    • oro.patterncache.size

    • propertyEditorSearchPath

    • jmeter.expertMode

    • httpsampler.max_bytes_to_store_per_request

    • httpsampler.max_buffer_size

    • httpsampler.max_redirects

    • httpsampler.max_frame_depth

    • httpsampler.separate.container

    • httpsampler.ignore_failed_embedded_resources

    • httpsampler.embedded_resources_use_md5

    • httpsampler.parallel_download_thread_keepalive_inseconds

    • httpsampler.user_defined_methods

    • sampleresult.default.encoding

    • CookieManager.delete_null_cookies

    • CookieManager.allow_variable_cookies



    • CookieManager.check.cookies

    • javascript.use_rhino

    • jmeter.regex.engine

    • jmeter.regex.patterncache.size

    • jmeterengine.threadstop.wait

    • jmeterengine.stopfail.system.exit

    • jmeterengine.force.system.exit

    • jmeter.exit.check.pause

    • jmeterthread.rampup.granularity

    • document.max_size

    • text.kerning.max_document_size


    • jsr223.compiled_scripts_cache_size

    • httpJettyClient.maxBufferSize

Features of debugging mode for tests with the OWN_JMX type#

The supported thread group is the same as for a regular test. In them, the parameters change as follows:

  • ArrivalsThreadGroup:

    • Target Rate (arrivals/min) = 30. Bandwidth limitation, since it is impossible to limit the number of iterations.

    • Ramp Up Time (min) = 0.

    • Ramp-Up Steps Count = 0.

    • Hold Target Rate Timer (min) = 5. Duration is 5 minutes.

    • Log Threads Status into File = “”. Absence of log files.

    • Thread Iterations Limit = “”. The number of iterations for the thread, after which it is destroyed and created anew.

    • Concurrency Limit = 1.

    • Time Unit = minutes. The unit of measurement of time. It is recommended to use minutes, since it is impossible to set a fractional number in the target rate, and the minimum bandwidth of 1/sec is too much.

  • ConcurrencyThreadGroup:

    • Target Concurrency = 1.

    • Ramp Up Timer (sec) = “”.

    • Ramp-Up Steps Count = “”.

    • Hold Target Rate Time (sec) = 300. Duration is 5 minutes.

    • Time Unit = seconds. The unit of measurement of time.

    • Thread Iterations Limit = “”. The number of iterations for the thread, after which it is destroyed and created anew.

    • Log Threads Status into File = “”. Absence of log files.

  • FreeFormArrivalsThreadGroup:

    • Time Unit = seconds. The unit of measurement of time.

    • Thread Iterations Limit = “”. The number of iterations for the thread, after which it is destroyed and created anew.

    • Log Threads Status into File = “”. Absence of log files.

    • Concurrency Limit = 1.

    • Steps:

      • First step:

        • Start Value = 1. At the beginning of the test, 1 term:virtual user<виртуальный пользователь> is started.

        • End Value = 1. At the end of the test, 1 virtual user is stopped.

        • Duration = 300. The duration of iterations is 5 minutes.

      • Second step - Last step:

        • Start Value = 0.

        • End Value = 0.

        • Duration = 0.

  • SetupThreadGroup:

    • Number of threads (users) = 1.

    • Ramp-Up Period (in seconds) = 0.

    • Loop Count = 10. The number of iterations after which the group stops working. If the user had a value less than 10, then the user’s value is used.

    • Forever = false. Iterations do not repeat indefinitely.

    • Scheduler = true. If 10 iterations don’t have time to be executed, then their execution ends in the time specified in the parameter Duration (seconds).

    • Duration (seconds) = 300. Duration of iterations. If the user had a value less than 300, then the user value is used.

    • Startup delay (seconds) = “”.

  • SteppingThreadGroup:

    • This group will start = 1.

    • First, wait for = 0.

    • Then start = 0.

    • Next, add = 0.

    • threads every = 0.

    • using ramp-up = 0.

    • Then hold load for = 300. Duration is 5 minutes.

    • Finally, stop = 1.

    • threads every = 0.

  • TearDownThreadGroup:

    • Number of threads (users) = 1.

    • Ramp-Up Period (in seconds) = 0.

    • Loop Count = 10. The number of iterations after which the group stops working. If the user had a value less than 10, then the user’s value is used.

    • Forever = false. Iterations do not repeat indefinitely.

    • Scheduler = true. If 10 iterations don’t have time to be executed, then their execution starts in the time specified in the parameter Duration (seconds).

    • Duration (seconds) = 300. Duration of iterations. If the user had a value less than 300, then the user value is used.

    • Startup delay (seconds) = “”.

  • ThreadGroup:

    • Number of threads (users) = 1.

    • Ramp-Up Period (in seconds) = 0.

    • Loop Count = 10. The number of iterations after which the group stops working. If the user had a value less than 10, then the user’s value is used.

    • Forever = false. Iterations do not repeat indefinitely.

    • Scheduler = true. If 10 iterations don’t have time to be executed, then their execution starts in the time specified in the parameter Duration (seconds).

    • Duration (seconds) = 300. Duration of iterations. If the user had a value less than 300, then the user value is used.

    • Startup delay (seconds) = “”.

  • UltimateThreadGroup:

    • Steps:

      • First step:

        • Start Threads Count = 1. At the beginning of the test, 1 thread is started.

        • Initial Delay (sec) = 0.

        • Startup Time (sec) = 0.

        • Hold Load For (sec) = 300. Duration is 5 minutes.

        • Shutdown Timer = 0.

      • Second step - Last step:

        • Start Threads Count = 0.

        • Initial Delay (sec) = 0.

        • Startup Time (sec) = 0.

        • Hold Load For (sec) = 0.

        • Shutdown Timer = 0.