
In PFLB Platform, you can generate a report with the results of load testing. The report is created in the built-in editor and may include:

Create a report#

  1. Go to the Reports page and click + Add new report.

  2. In the Report name field, enter the name of the report.

  3. Click plus_button and add the required content blocks to the report.

  4. Click Save.

Report creation tools#

In PFLB Platform, you can add different content blocks to the report page and customize them with tools:

  • plus_button button. Appears in the left margin whenever you hover over a new line of the report. Allows you to add to the report:

    • Text. Regular plain text.

    • Heading. The heading of the report.

    • Image.

    • List. A bulleted or numbered list.

    • Table.

    • PFLB Table of contents. Report table of contents.

    • PFLB chart. A chart that displays metrics from one or more test runs. The chart is automatically plotted according to the specified parameters and when data is available.

    • PFLB table contains SLA metrics values per request, test or transaction. The table is automatically plotted according to the specified parameters and when data is available.

  • block_handle_button Action menu. Appears in the left margin whenever you hover over a content block or new line. Contains actions:



    Available for content blocks

    Copy link to block

    Copies a link to a report block

    For all

    Move up

    Moves the content block up

    For all


    Deletes the content block

    For all

    Moves the content block down

    Moves the content block down

    For all

    Heading 1

    Sets the first level heading


    Heading 2

    Sets the second level heading


    Heading 3

    Sets the third level heading


    Heading 4

    Sets the fourth level heading


    With border

    Adds a border around an image


    Stretch image

    Stretches an image to page width


    With background

    Adds a background to an image



    Creates a bulleted list



    Creates a numbered list


    With headings

    Marks a row as a header row (shaded with bold text)

    Table, PFLB table

    Without headings

    Unmarks a row as a header row

    Table, PFLB table


    Refreshes a report table of contents

    PFLB Table of contents

    Chart params

    Opens the PFLB chart settings

    PFLB chart

    Table params

    Opens the PFLB table settings

    PFLB table

  • / commands. To quickly add content to the report, type / and any type of block.

Text editing#

For the Text, Heading, List, Table, PFLB table blocks, you can change the text style:

  1. Highlight any text. The editing menu appears: text_style_menu

  2. Click on the one of the buttons:

    • bold_button makes the text bold.

    • italic_button makes the text italic.

    • underline_button underlines the text.

    • marker_button highlights the text.

You can convert the Text, Heading, List blocks into each other. For example, to convert text into another element, follow these steps:

  1. Highlight the Text block. The menu appears: text_style_menu

  2. Click convert_button and select Heading or List.

Insert a cross-link#

To insert a cross-link to a report block, follow these steps:

  1. Hover over a block. The block_handle_button button appears.

  2. Click block_handle_button and select Copy link to block.

  3. Highlight the text you want to convert to a link in one of the following blocks: Text, Heading, List, Table, or PFLB table. The menu appears: text_style_menu

  4. Click report_link_button and insert the copied link to the block.

  5. Press Enter.

To insert a cross-link to some text in a report block, follow these steps:

  1. Highlight some text in one of the blocks: Text, Heading, List, Table, or PFLB table. The menu appears: text_style_menu

  2. Click anchor_button and enter the block ID:

  3. Copy the block ID and press Enter. The anchor is emphasized with a dotted line.

  4. Highlight the text you want to convert to a link in one of the following blocks: Text, Heading, List, Table, or PFLB table. The menu appears: text_style_menu

  5. Click report_link_button and insert the copied ID.

  6. Press Enter.

To follow a cross-link, click on the link.

To delete the anchor, highlight the text and click delete_anchor_button.

To delete the cross-link, highlight the text and click delete_report_link_button.

Insert a report table of contents#

Table of contents is built based on the headings in the report.

To add the table of contents, follow these steps:

  1. Hover over a new line. The plus_button button appears in the left margin.

  2. Click plus_button and select PFLB Table of contents.

After adding new headings, update the table of contents:

  1. Hover over the PFLB Table of contents.

  2. Click block_handle_button and select Refresh.

Create a PFLB chart#

PFLB chart is a chart for comparing metrics of several test runs.

You can add different types of graphs to the report:

  • Load Profile. Displays the actual and planned number of virtual users.

  • System Metrics. Displays data on the system metrics of the testing system, such as CPU, disk and RAM utilization.

  • Test Metrics. Displays average response time, number of requests, hits, errors per second, 95% response time.

  • Transaction Metrics. Displays average transaction time, 95% response time, number of transactions and errors per second.

To add the PFLB chart to the report, follow these steps:

  1. Hover over a new line. The plus_button button appears in the left margin.

  2. Click plus_button and select PFLB chart.

  3. Click gear_button. The settings of the PFLB chart open:

  4. Click + Add new measure. The chart settings open:

  5. Select the test run ID. To find the test run ID, follow these steps:

    1. Go to the Test runs page.

    2. Select the test run. The test run ID is displayed in the address bar: testRunId

  6. Select the chart type and configure it:

    • Load Profile
      1. Select the metric type:

        • Actual, number of vusers

        • Planned, number of vusers

      2. Select the aggregation interval.

    • System Metric


      To display data in a graph with system metrics before running a test, follow these steps:

      1. Create a setting set with system metrics for the monitoring.

      2. Link the setting set to the test.

      1. Enter the host name of the testing system.

      2. Select the metric type:

        • CPU utilization in percent, %

        • CPU utilization per CPU percent, %

        • Disk total in megabytes, Mb

        • Disk utilization in megabytes, Mb

        • Disk utilization in percent, %

        • Ram total in megabytes, Mb

        • Ram utilization in megabytes, Mb

        • Ram utilization in percent, %

        • System load average, %

      1. Select the aggregation interval.

    • Test Metric
      1. Select the metric type:

        • Average response time, seconds. Average system response time to a request or transaction.

        • Error per second, eps. Errors are calculated only when executing all requests, excluding transactions.

        • Hits per second, hps. Number of system hits during each second of the test.

        • 95% response time, seconds. The value which is greater than 95% of response time for the test.

        • Requests per second, rps. Number of requests sent per second.

      1. Select the aggregation interval.

    • Transaction Metric
      1. Select the transaction and group.

      2. Select the metric type:

        • Average transaction time, seconds. Average system response time to transaction.

        • 95% transaction time, seconds. The value which is greater than 95% of response time for the transaction.

        • Transaction errors per second, teps. Errors are calculated only when executing a transaction, excluding requests.

        • Transactions per second, tps. The number of transactions sent per second.

      3. Select the aggregation interval.

  7. Click Apply.

  8. If needed, add captions to the axes of the graph.

The PFLB chart example:


If needed, change the values on which the graphs are based:

  1. Expand the common settings for the chart:

  2. Select the values for the left and right Y-axis from the drop-down lists.


    If, when changing the value for the left or right Y-axis, the unit of measurement on which the graphs were based has changed, then open the settings of the necessary graphs and select the axis.

To delete the chart, click delete_button.

Create a PFLB table#

PFLB table contains SLA metrics values per request, test or transaction.

To add PFLB table to the report, follow these steps:

  1. Hover over a new line. The plus_button button appears in the left margin.

  2. Click plus_button and select PFLB table.

  3. Click gear_button. The settings of the PFLB table open:

  4. Select the test run ID. To find the test run ID, follow these steps:

    1. Go to the Test runs page.

    2. Select the test run. The test run ID is displayed in the address bar: testRunId

  5. Select the table type:

  6. Click Apply.

  7. If needed, edit the column headings.

The PFLB table example:


See also

Insert an image#

To add the image to the report, follow these steps:

  1. Hover over a new line. The plus_button button appears in the left margin.

  2. Click plus_button and select Image.

  3. Select the file of the image.

  4. If needed, in the Caption field, add captions to the image.

Edit a table#

To add a column, click plus_button to the right of the table or click column_row_button above the column and select the menu item:

  • Add column to left

  • Add column to right

To add a row, click plus_button below the table or click column_row_button to the left of the row and select the menu item:

  • Add row above

  • Add row below

To delete a column or row, click column_row_button and select Delete column or Delete row.

Edit the report#

  1. Go to the Reports page and click edit_button for the required report.

  2. Add or edit the report blocks.

  3. Click Save.

Add labels to the report#

Labels allow you to specify important information and highlight the report in the list.

To add labels, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Reports page:

  2. For the required report, click No labels + or + next to the label already added.

  3. Enter the name of the label and click ok_label_button.

Export a report as PDF#

  1. Go to the Reports page and click edit_button for the required report.

  2. Use a keyboard shortcut:

    • Windows and Linux: Ctrl+P

    • Mac: +P

  3. In the window that appears, select the Save as PDF printer and change your preferred print settings.

  4. Click Save.