gRPC Load
Testing Tool

Optimize your distributed systems with PFLB. You can simulate realistic traffic of unary requests and bidirectional streaming with a few clicks.
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How It Works

Integrations with Your Favourite Tools

  1. Google Analytics

    Our Google Analytics integration copies production traffic to create accurate load profiles, ensuring highly realistic testing conditions.

  2. Grafana

    The integration with Grafana provides clear and actionable test results that help you pinpoint bottlenecks in your distributed applications.

  3. Postman, Insomnia, JMeter

    Integration with Insomnia supports migrating your existing test scenarios to our platform. Same with Postman and JMeter.

Want to See gRPC Testing Tool in Action?

Benefits of gRPC Load Testing

Performance Insights

It reveals bottlenecks in high-speed, binary communication with HTTP/2, crucial for microservices.

Scalability Check

Verifies that gRPC maintains stability under heavy concurrent loads.

Protobuf Efficiency

Confirms that binary data exchange handles large loads effectively, ensuring data integrity.

Streaming Validation

Tests gRPC’s bi-directional streams to ensure robust performance during high-volume exchanges .

PFLB Client’s Review

Testimonials from satisfied clients across various industries.

Why Choose PFLB?

PFLB’s gRPC testing software lets you simulate high volumes of gRPC calls and easily observe your service’s scalability, all in just three simple steps.


No load testing infrastructure is needed. Use PFLB load generators to simulate millions of requests per second.


Our platform is intuitive and easy to set up, letting you focus on enhancing performance without hassle.

Grafana Dashboards

Save time on investigating load testing results with our custom Grafana dashboards.

Comprehensive Support

Our dedicated team is with you every step of the way, offering help with setup, troubleshooting, and optimization. If you need more help, you can also check out our performance testing services.

Detailed Documentation

We provide step-by-step guides to help you navigate and make the most out of our platform effortlessly.


01What is the best approach for testing gRPC services under load?

The most effective approach for load testing gRPC services involves simulating real-world traffic patterns that your microservices are likely to encounter. Using gRPC testing tools like PFLB's, you can create detailed scenarios that replicate actual gRPC calls, allowing you to thoroughly assess how your services perform under varying levels of stress. This approach helps identify potential bottlenecks and ensures your system can scale efficiently.

02How can I measure response time in a custom gRPC load balancer using PFLB?

PFLB's gRPC test tool measures overall response times but doesn't provide node-specific metrics within a load balancer. To measure response times for individual nodes, you should use internal monitoring tools like Prometheus or DataDog. These tools let you monitor and analyze node-specific performance, helping you identify and address bottlenecks. You can then correlate this data with PFLB's overall metrics to optimize both your load balancer and its nodes.

03Can I use PFLB to test both unary and streaming gRPC calls?

Yes, PFLB’s gRPC performance testing tool supports both unary and streaming gRPC calls. This flexibility allows you to accurately simulate the types of interactions your services will experience in production, ensuring thorough testing of all aspects of your gRPC services.

04Does PFLB support REST APIs?

Yes, PFLB supports REST APIs, SOAP, and WebSockets. Please see the API load testing tool page for more details.

05How can I check if my gRPC API can handle a sudden spike in traffic?

You can use PFLB’s gRPC benchmark tool to simulate high traffic scenarios on your gRPC endpoints. This gRPC API testing tool allows you to set specific traffic loads, helping you see how your API performs under sudden spikes. By running these tests, you’ll get clear insights into response times, stability, and any weak points that may need optimization.

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