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Creating test reports in PFLB

Release version: 1-07
May 14, 2024

Report editor



We are excited to announce the release of the initial version of the report document editor! With this new feature, you can now easily generate reports for your tests directly within the PFLB.

release 1 07 report

On the Reports page, you can create a new report, and view and edit existing reports:

release 1 07 reports

You can add different content blocks to the report document:

  • text blocks, headings, lists, images and tables,
  • custom blocks that are automatically filled with data from the tests: PFLB chart and PFLB table.

PFLB chart allows you to plot multiple metrics on the same chart. It could be metrics from the same or different test runs:

release 1 07 pflb chart

There are various metrics to plot in PFLB chart:

  • The Load Profile graph compares the actual and planned number of virtual users.
  • The System Metrics graph displays data on the system metrics of the testing system, such as CPU, disk, and RAM utilization.
  • The Test Metrics graph displays the average response time, number of requests, hits, errors per second, 95% response time.
  • The Transaction Metrics graph displays the average transaction time, 95% response time, number of transactions, and errors per second.

PFLB table contains SLA values on request, test, or transaction level.

release 1 07 pflb table

We will continue to develop the Report Editor in future versions. Stay tuned for updates!

Customization of JMeter properties for your test



Now you can specify or override JMeter properties for your test. We added the list of supported JMeter properties to the documentation.

Create a settings set and specify JMeter properties and their values in it:

release 1 07 set jmeter properties

All that remains is to link the settings set to the test and run it!


Performance testing gRPC services