CRM Testing
Testing of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Software to check its functionality, performance, security, and usability.
Configuration Testing
It involves testing the different software and hardware configurations or setups of a system to ensure they work correctly.
Concurrency Testing
Concurrency testing looks at what happens when multiple actions happen at the same time, like when many users log in together, or when multiple SQL queries in a database or processes in an operating system are running, sharing a single resource.
Computer System Validation (CSV)
Testing, validation, and documentation ensure that computer systems and Software used in regulated industries (like pharmaceuticals) meet compliance standards and are secure, reliable, and traceable.
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Cloud Testing
Testing cloud-based applications or services to meet performance, functional, scalability, and reliability requirements in a cloud computing environment.
Cloud Migration
Transferring data or, for instance, applications from on-premises infrastructure to cloud-based platforms for scalability.
Cloud Based Testing
Testing uses cloud infrastructure or platforms to perform various software testing activities.