Platform Features

Functionality rocks

At PFLB, we're proud to present our cloud-based continuous performance testing platform. We've collected feedback from our clients and created a platform that can handle any performance testing requirements.
Built by experienced performance engineers with 15 years of experience working with customers of all sizes and industries, we've designed the perfect modern tool to meet all your needs.
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PFLB features we’re proud of


Low-Code Editor

Create robust scenario-based load tests without a single line of code. Use effective structural blocks like cycles and conditional branches in the web-based low-code editor. Start testing faster, cheaper, and more often.

Group editor
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High Geo-Distributed Load

Give a realistic load to your application by using 18 different locations. No in-house load generator infrastructure is needed - this greatly saves time, money, and mental health. Get up to 300,000 RPS and more from the cloud.


Team Work

Take advantage of a cloud-based test management system. All your team's test data keeps from day zero forever. Manage user roles and work together with your teammates. A built-in version control system saves you from human-factor mistakes.


CI/CD Integration

Shift testing left. Add performance testing to your CI/CD pipeline with our comprehensive API. Now, you are able to run predesigned tests according to your team's pace. You can find all the code samples and API-using examples in the documentation.


Performance Trends

Be aware of performance changes in your application, release by release, using our advanced Trend Report. Compare test results and find a better configuration faster. Now you have the performance testing environment that rocks.


JMeter tests

Upload your JMX files into the platform and run them on a massive scale against all your products, including web and mobile apps, microservices, and APIs.


Powerful testing reports in Grafana

Customize each report with all the metrics you want to monitor and track. You can use Grafana to graphically represent time series and text data.


Automated performance test plans

Connect your Google Analytics account to the platform and get a precise load profile from your website's real user statistics.

Ready to run your first test?

Take 10 minutes of your time. Completely free. Support team for any questions you may have along the way.
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Integrations with your favorite tools

  1. Google Analytics

    Use real user data for precise load profiles.

  2. Grafana

    Clear and actionable test reports.

  3. Postman, Insomnia, JMeter

    Easy migration of existing test scenarios.

Need more data before testing it?

We have a Developers Hub where tech specialists could dive into more sophisticated information about the platform and technologies in the very heart of it.

17 min watch
PFLB platform features
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Ready to run your first test?

Take 10 minutes of your time. Completely free. Support team for any questions you may have along the way.
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no credit card needed

Humans behind the technologies

We appreciate technologies, but we appreciate people even more. Our team is a group of individuals first and foremost. We're enthusiastic, curious, thoughtful, full of ideas and energy.

Meet the
platform team




Product manager


Principal performance engineer


Senior back-end developer


QA engineer


Project manager & Scrum master


Technical writer