End User Testing

preview-End User Testing
May 28, 2024

End user testing, also known as user acceptance testing (UAT) or beta testing, is a software testing process where the test is conducted by end users or representatives of the target audience in a real-world environment.

Endurance Testing

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May 28, 2024

Endurance testing checks if a system can stay stable over a certain period, The load can be higher than in real-life scenarios. Typically, the goal of such testing is to find resource leaks.

End-to-End Testing

preview-End-to-End Testing
May 28, 2024

End-to-end testing involves testing the entire software application (including its systems, components, and integrations) to validate its functionality, performance, reliability, and compatibility in a real-world environment. It simulates real user scenarios, it also can handle incoming message streams from other systems or perform batch operations.

Embedded Testing

preview-Embedded Testing
May 28, 2024

Embedded testing checks software and hardware’s functional and non-functional attributes in an embedded system.

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E-commerce Testing

preview-E-commerce Testing
May 28, 2024

Performance testing in the ecommerce niche involves evaluating how well an ecommerce website or application performs under various conditions. The primary goal is to ensure the site can handle high traffic volumes, process transactions efficiently, and deliver a seamless user experience without crashes or slowdowns.

Early Testing

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May 28, 2024

Some types of testing are conducted as early as possible in the development lifecycle before the coding is ready. This approach aims to detect defects and issues at an early stage and thus reduce costs.

Desktop Management

preview-Desktop Management
May 28, 2024

The process of managing and maintaining desktop computers within an organization. This also includes virtual desktops, as well as activities such as single sign-on (SSO) management, user management, device management, device security, access control, and app delivery.

Dynamic Testing

preview-Dynamic Testing
May 28, 2024

It involves studying how software code behaves while the program is running.