quality gates next use cases illustrated in a real banking project preview

Quality Gates Next Use Cases Illustrated in a Real Banking Project

Modern software development trends are focused on speed. But tasks need to be performed not only quickly, but also with high quality. To this end, we offer Quality Gates Next.
Quality Gates Next is a solution built on tools that provide continuous monitoring and improvement of product quality through state-of-the-art development methodologies, such as Agile and DevOps. This solution is already available. It is well-tuned and can be quickly adapted.

banking domain testing why this Is necessary and challenges in app testing preview

Banking Domain Testing: Why This Is Necessary and Challenges in App Testing in Banking Domain

Banking domain applications have a complex structure, multi-layered workflows, and a broad range of features. On top of that, as most of them deal with sensitive data, the level of data protection should also be impeccable.  This post is a checklist for anyone involved in banking domain application management. After finishing the article, you’ll have […]

database volume testing

Database Volume Testing

Database volume testing is a type of testing where the system is tested based on large volumes of data. Challenge Minimizing the risks related to performance degradation, possible breakdowns or failures under loads that are caused by increases of data in the database by promptly discovering performance problems in the system’s operability, localizing the “bottlenecks” […]

system testing preview

System Testing

When working with IT services, employees do not always know exactly which IT system is executing their requests at the moment. For example, an employee in the credit department works with the front office system to start a loan application, but as the customer is served this application is processed by back-end systems that analyze […]