features of testing cloud services preview

Features of Testing Cloud Services

Cloud computing has emerged as revolutionary technology in the past decade. Gartner predicts that the waves made by the cloud shift will result in $1 trillion and more in IT spending, making it one of the most disruptive forces in IT expenses. Unsurprisingly, cloud has always been a favorite platform of web-service providers, owing to […]

load testing for robotic process automation

Load Testing for Robotic Process Automation

PFLB finished a truly interesting project for a big national bank, i.e. we’ve performed load testing for Robotic Process Automation, which is an automated system aimed to fully substitute any operational bank employee working on a PC. The idea was not for the robot to send hard-coded requests to somewhere, but to use the entry signals such as mouse and keyboard in the same way as an actual user does.

database load testing with jmeter to identify performance issues preview

Database Load Testing with JMeter to Identify Performance Issues

Functional and non-functional tests are critical for determining software vendors’ success. If these tests are executed properly, you can finally be sure that your application will deliver as you envisioned – with high-quality performance and completely bug-free. In functional testing, your business requirements about functionality are accounted for. These include usability, design, error conditions, access […]