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“Cloud Solutions for Business & Future Challenges” – an Interview with Orange Telecom Representative

Jan 10, 2021
2 min read

– Thank you for finding the time, Mr.Emad. Can you tell our readers what you do?

Guest: Thank you for having me. I am Emad Abouregaila, Head of converged mobile, fixed switching centers and data centers operation and support. I am responsible for converged core first line, data network and data centers support and operations.

– How are you involved with the Cloud? Is it changing the way you work?

Guest: Sure! Changes in technology, especially the cloud solutions, are changing the current set up for data centers and mobile switching centers operation. Hardware has to be more compact, more standardized, and more global, to be used for all vendors and clients and to be compatible with any types of software. To put it simply, it will be easy to manage your business, regardless of your location.

– Has the communication between your company and the customers changed due to the pandemic?

Guest: Of course it has. All the services provided to our customers can be executed remotely. There is no need for face-to-face communication at all. Any support, contracts and related financial issues can be done through digital solutions, such as digital signature and remote access support.

– Do you train your engineers in communication with customers and clients?

Guest: We do. It is definitely important to train our engineers to help them deal with our customers and clients using new technologies. We also have to help our customers and clients to deal with the new digital world without affecting the service level of agreement between the company and their customers.

– How do you see the importance of the testing activities in relation to your role & scope? What kind of testing do you usually use?

Guest: The testing activities are very important in my current role and scope and performed all over Huawei, Nokia and Cisco platforms, e.g. functional testing. I believe that testing activities will become even more important, especially for the new technologies which were not used before for the new software, new hardware and their new functions

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– You seem to be a visionary. What is your vision for the next three years?

Guest: Well, due to the cloud computing solutions, artificial intelligence (AI), and big data technology, one can be sure that some radical changes are going to happen in the telecommunication sector. My vision for the upcoming three years is that the customer will be able to cover most of their needs from the mobile phone over the internet services. Thus, they can deal with banks easily to open and close their accounts, transfer, and withdraw their money without going to the bank. The customer can get all the required services and pay the bills from their cell effortlessly. The service provider will not need to have its own platform or network to provide the service, they can rent a cloud in another country to use it and provide the services to the customers all over the world.

– Thank you for your time and insights!

Guest: We would like to thank our guest lot for his productive participation in our interview regarding “Cloud Solutions for Business & Future Challenges”

Emad Abouregaila
Orange Egypt for Telecommunication

Emad Abouregaila

Head of converged mobile and fixed switching centers and data centers operation

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