The PFLB Platform

PFLB platform helps businesses
to ensure their digital products can
handle high volumes of users and

With its cloud-based infrastructure and user-friendly interface, our platform is accessible to teams of all sizes, from startups to enterprise organisations.

Better try than talking.
PFLB platform speaks for
itself. It takes only 15 minutes
for a first test.

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The tool that made for business

The platform helps to organize and run the process of continuously testing. Eventually performance isn't so much about faster loading but more importantly about lowering costs.

Software Evgeny Nasonov

PFLB’s performance testing was instrumental in resolving all performance issues pre-launch. Their seamless collaboration, skilled team, and timely delivery are commendable.

Evgeny Nasonov
COO at Diffco US, Inc
Insurance Our client

PFLB conducted extensive load testing on our software, simulating high user loads to evaluate performance, identify bottlenecks, and optimize the system’s responsiveness. Finally, they provided actionable recommendations to improve scalability and optimize resource utilization.

Our client
Insurance company
Healthcare Pankaj Mor

PFLB’s rapid load testing was a lifesaver on our tight launch deadline. Their expertise ensured our site could handle high sales seamlessly. Highly recommended!

Pankaj Mor
Tynor’s Chief Information Officer
Communication services Our client

PFLB’s load testing expertise played a critical role in uncovering performance limitations and bottlenecks in our educational platform project. Their meticulous approach and ability to adapt the testing methodology led to valuable insights, ensuring informed decisions for the project’s future development.

Our client
Communication services company
Communication services
Media and telecom Our client

PFLB’s expertise in Wi-Fi load testing for in-flight entertainment systems proved invaluable. Their innovative approach and problem-solving skills led to the discovery of critical issues, ensuring passenger satisfaction and avoiding reputational harm.

Our client
Media company
Media and telecom
IT Luc Richner

PFLB professional services are absolutely amazing! They really come through for us when we’re struggling with performance issues.
And it’s not just about testing – they go the extra mile to help us tune things up and save money on our cloud expenses.

Luc Richner
CEO, Cannavigia

Learn more about PFLB for enterprise

PFLB on-premise version and single-sign-on support ensure seamless integration into your existing IT infrastructure.
Our auto-generated reports and trending reports give you the ability to track performance changes release by release, providing valuable insights for continuous improvement.
Check the
platform rates

But also for the people

We believe there is no way to develop a great product without knowing your customers. The platform meets needs and expectations of people who will use it as a key tool for performance testing.
PFLB platform for
Business owners
Marketing specialists
QA specialists
  1. Improved user experience

    Ensure that your digital products can handle the expected traffic and provide a seamless experience for your users.
  2. Improved brand reputation

    By providing a fast and reliable experience for your users, you can improve your brand reputation and establish trust with your audience.
  3. Competitive advantage

    Stay ahead of the competition by regularly testing and improving the performance of your digital products. Offer your users a better experience and stand out from the crowd.
  1. Increased conversion rates

    By testing and optimizing your website or mobile app's performance, you can improve its load time, leading to increased conversion rates.
  2. Better user retention

    By providing a fast and efficient experience for your users, you can improve their satisfaction and increase the likelihood of them returning to your site or app.
  3. Increased engagement

    Test and optimize the performance of your digital products to keep users engaged and minimize drop-off rates.
  1. Continuous testing

    Enable continuous performance testing using our PFLB API, ensuring your digital products are always functioning at their best.
  2. No infrastructure management

    Eliminate the need to set up and manage load testing infrastructure as it is already available in the cloud.
  3. Seamless JMeter migration

    Effortlessly migrate your existing JMeter scenarios to our PFLB API, streamlining your performance testing process.
  1. Code quality

    Ensure the quality of your code by incorporating performance testing into your software development life cycle (SDLC) and catching performance issues before deployment.
  2. Clear testing reports

    Easily identify and resolve performance bottlenecks with clear, visual testing reports generated in Grafana.
  3. Streamlined SDLC

    By incorporating performance testing into the process, making it easier to catch and resolve performance issues, and ensure a smooth deployment.
  1. Get actionable insights into real-world performance

    With the platform, product teams can run realistic scenario-based tests, including geo-distributed load tests, to gain a better understanding of how their product performs under various conditions.
  2. Save time and resources

    The platform's cloud-based infrastructure eliminates the need to set up and manage load testing infrastructure, freeing up time and resources that can be focused on other critical tasks.
  3. Drive customer satisfaction

    By leveraging a customer-centric mindset, our platform helps product teams understand and meet the expectations of their users, leading to increased customer satisfaction.
Ready to skyrocket your performance testing game with our platform? Run a first test.
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The key features platform has

  1. Low-сode editor

    Create robust scenario-based load tests without a single line of code. Use effective structural blocks like cycles and conditional branches in the web-based low-code editor. Start testing faster, cheaper, and more often.
  2. High geo-distributed load

    Give a realistic load to your application by using 18 different locations. No in-house load generator infrastructure is needed - this greatly saves time, money, and mental health. Get up to 300,000 RPS and more from the cloud.
  3. Team work

    Take advantage of a cloud-based test management system. All your team's test data keeps from day zero forever. Manage user roles and work together with your teammates. A built-in version control system saves you from human-factor mistakes.
  4. CI/CD integration

    Shift testing left. Add performance testing to your CI/CD pipeline with our comprehensive API. Now, you are able to run predesigned tests according to your team's pace. You can find all the code samples and API-using examples in the documentation.
  5. Performance trends

    Be aware of performance changes in your application, release by release, using our advanced Trend Report. Compare test results and find a better configuration faster. Now you have the performance testing environment that rocks.
Read about functionality or dive in tech data
or simply Book a demo

Integrations with your favorite tools

  1. Google Analytics

    Use real user data for precise load profiles.

  2. Grafana

    Clear and actionable test reports.

  3. Postman, Insomnia, JMeter

    Easy migration of existing test scenarios.

How to use the platform


Create scenario-based
load tests

First, create tests using the low-code editor, or upload existing JMeter scenario.


Run realistic
geo-distributed load

Then adjust load testing parameters, such as number if users and geo-locations, and run the tests.


Review performance

Finally, analyze test results, including response times and variety of performance metrics, using Grafana.


Compare test results

You can also can compare test runs using our super-clear trending report.


Fix problems and retest

Rerun tests to check how performance is affected by changes you made in the product.

Ready to run your first test?

Take 10 minutes of your time. Completely free. Support team for any questions you may have along the way.
Book a demo No hidden fees,
no credit card needed
Humans behind the technologies
Meet our support managers
If anything goes wrong we have a quick and empathetic support team ready to help you round-the-clock. Forget about chatbots and answering machines, interact with actual human beings.
Learn more about support team
Discover our support services



Product manager


Principal performance engineer

When the platform is not enough
Many companies start with performance service, but receive feedback that testing platform is doing 80% of the work and no assistance is needed. Others need not only a tool but also expertise and services.
We have it all.
How else can we be of service
We have an impressive track record of performance testing:
Proprietary systems based on:
We can support you in hardware sizing and cloud migration projects. As well as migration from one enterprise IT-system to another.
Our skilled engineers can also help to succeed in performance testing of legacy systems when web and mobile technologies are not the case.
We can build performance testing strategy, do data masking or create emulators of third-party systems.
Learn more about challenges we work on
Or hear how we work with different systems and platforms considering its specific, and simply
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