quality gates next use cases illustrated in a real banking project preview

Quality Gates Next Use Cases Illustrated in a Real Banking Project

Modern software development trends are focused on speed. But tasks need to be performed not only quickly, but also with high quality. To this end, we offer Quality Gates Next.
Quality Gates Next is a solution built on tools that provide continuous monitoring and improvement of product quality through state-of-the-art development methodologies, such as Agile and DevOps. This solution is already available. It is well-tuned and can be quickly adapted.

why outsourcing software testing is better choice for your business preview

Why Outsourcing Software Testing Is Better Choice for Your Business?

Software testing is a vital part of the software development lifecycle. The primary goal of testing is to identify and detect mistakes and errors made during the implementation phase. However, if your in-house staff does not have expertise or experience in the area, you will face challenges in the software implementation phase that can significantly […]

banking domain testing why this Is necessary and challenges in app testing preview

Banking Domain Testing: Why This Is Necessary and Challenges in App Testing in Banking Domain

Banking domain applications have a complex structure, multi-layered workflows, and a broad range of features. On top of that, as most of them deal with sensitive data, the level of data protection should also be impeccable.  This post is a checklist for anyone involved in banking domain application management. After finishing the article, you’ll have […]

manual app testing for tech startup preview

Manual App Testing for Tech Startup

Activ5 is a portable workout device and mobile app that coaches its users through low impact, isometric workouts in as little as five minutes per day.

Our client approached us at the point when Activ5’s popularity grew, the app was undergoing constant changes, new functions and additional features were added, new workout games developed. In order to widen its audience and make sure every user stuck to the app, developers had to pay special attention to the quality and usability of its product.

qa outsourcing preview

Qa Outsourcing

A solution to lower costs and raise the quality of regression testing. Nobody likes working with a poor-quality IT product. And nobody likes testing programs and finding bugs in them (of course, unless we’re talking about testers). As a result, employees drawn into doing testing work before IT systems are deployed are often unhappy. IT […]

system testing preview

System Testing

When working with IT services, employees do not always know exactly which IT system is executing their requests at the moment. For example, an employee in the credit department works with the front office system to start a loan application, but as the customer is served this application is processed by back-end systems that analyze […]