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8 min read

Mobile Testing: Real Device vs Simulator vs Emulator Testing

mobile testing real device vs simulator vs emulator testing preview
Aug 7, 2020

Over time, mobile devices are becoming increasingly common. They have become an essential part of our daily lives and have helped us speed up digital transformation initiatives. As of Q2 of 2020, people have downloaded 37.8 billion mobile apps on Apple and Google app stores. With the world shifting towards remote infrastructures and IoT networks, […]

8 min read

The Role of Automation Software Testing in Software Development

the role of automation software testing in software development preview
Aug 4, 2020

All software teams test their products, yet the ultimate solutions often have defects. Although most test engineers try to detect these problems in the testing environment, they often make their way into the final product despite our best efforts.  One of the reasons this happens is that even the best manual testing processes have their […]

12 min read

What Are the Challenges a Software Quality Assurance Team Faces during Testing?

what are the challenges a software quality assurance team faces preview
Jul 30, 2020

Nowadays, software development cycles are continually evolving and changing the definition for quality assurance, as a result. As the software QA landscape grows rapidly, challenges for quality assurance and testing professionals increase. They must improve their understanding of various QA methodologies and adopt new QA testing procedures to cope with new changes. Agile testing is […]

2 min read

JMeter. Changing intensity with Constant Throughput Timer

jmeter changing intensity with constant throughput timer preview
Jul 26, 2020

JMeter is a highly extensible, open-source platform that can help identify performance issues in your application. It is among the most popular tools for performance testing. You can read more about difference between PFLB, LoadRunner and JMeter. So in JMeter, it is no longer possible to change the intensity, the number of threads and the […]

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7 min read

Virtual Table Server

virtual table server preview
Jul 22, 2020

I think that many readers are actively using LoadRunner. So, I’ve got a question: where do you take the test data from? The first option is to parametrize everything and save the dataset in .dat-files. It’s a good solution, but what if there are many scripts with common parameters in the use case? The second […]

9 min read

The Ultimate Guide to Usability Testing for E-Commerce Websites

the ultimate guide to usability testing for ecommerce websites preview
Jul 17, 2020

As social restrictions prevent businesses from selling products physically, they are going digital to stop their businesses from stagnating. E-commerce websites are increasingly becoming a favorite thing of most retailers especially during Christmas, Black Friday, and product drops (Learn more about what is product drop in e-commerce). However, because every business is trying to grow […]

8 min read

Quality Assurance in Software Testing: Role & Methods

quality assurance in software testing role and methods preview
Jul 10, 2020

In the traditional software approach, software teams performed QA  testing at the later stages of the development process. In development models such as Waterfall, the product was developed and passed along to the Quality Assurance team, who tested the software and offered feedback. By highlighting internal issues of the software, they helped the development team […]

8 min read

7 Proven Metrics for Successful DevOps

seven proven metrics for successful devops preview
Jul 7, 2020

The modern era of full cycle DevOps calls for the proper integration of key performance indicators (KPIs). The right metrics can make you to be sure that applications work correctly. DevOps metrics can demonstrate and evaluate how fast you can move before some bugs can happen. Why DevOps Plays Big Role for Company and How […]

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