ten steps to great mobile app performance testing using jmeter preview

10 Steps to Great Mobile App Performance Testing Using JMeter

Nowadays, almost every company has its own mobile app which provides millions of customers with products and services for all kinds of requests. Just think of it: every day, developers upload thousands of new applications to Google Play and App Store. In this blog post, we will take a step-by-step look at how to write a load script for a mobile application and run a test by generating HTTP/HTTPS traffic on the app server using JMeter.

cloud based application testing features types

Cloud-based Testing: Key Benefits, Features & Types

Cloud computing has become a cornerstone of modern business operations, offering unparalleled flexibility, scalability, and cost efficiency. In fact, the global cloud computing market is projected to grow from $626.4 billion in 2023 to $1,266.4 billion by 2028, reflecting a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 15.1%.  As businesses across all industries adopt cloud services […]

jmeter loadRunner or PFLB choosing the optimal performance testing tool

JMeter vs LoadRunner vs PFLB: Which Tool to Choose?

Overview Performance testing is essential for evaluating the response time, scalability, reliability, speed, and resource usage of applications and web services under their expected workloads. The software market currently offers a variety of performance testing tools, but two names that automatically come to mind are Apache JMeter and LoadRunner. The JMeter and LoadRunner difference is […]

how do businesses benefit from frontend performance testing preview

How Do Businesses Benefit from Frontend Performance Testing?

Crucial bottlenecks are usually backend-related. That’s why backend performance testing is generally regarded as a must. However, only 1% of companies perform frontend performance testing. They don’t consider that to achieve the best business results, one should combine the two types.  Let’s prove it. We will define their differences, emphasize the importance of conducting backend […]

tips for efficient web application performance testing

Tips for Efficient Web Application Performance Testing

Performance testing is one of the most challenging components of web application testing. But it is worth it: if done right, performance testing can forecast product behavior and its response to user’s actions with an impressive amount of detail and precision. Irrelevant web performance test data or wrong metrics chosen during testing cost companies a lot of money and effort, while not monitoring your web application performance at all can lead directly to a crash, say, on Black Friday, if you are not prepared to handle an increased number of concurrent users.

Business or product owners needn’t know exactly how to performance test a website, but it’s useful to have a basic understanding of procedures that you pay for. From this post, you can learn what web application performance testing is, when it should be done, and how. Then, you will be able to make an informed choice whether to hire testing specialists or run testing sessions on your own.

top current trends

Top 10 Current Trends in Software Testing for 2024

Software testing has swiftly evolved as industries began to understand the critical importance of usability, security, and seamless functionality in winning customers and generating leads. The market’s adoption of innovative automation tools has rendered the testing process more economical, quicker, and widely available. The upcoming trends in software testing suggest a move towards enhanced flexibility […]